[asterisk-users] One phone, many names / Was: Loss of devices registration (pjsip)

A J Stiles asterisk_list at earthshod.co.uk
Tue Mar 22 03:55:13 CDT 2016

On Monday 21 Mar 2016, somsad khan wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I need some help.
> I have a client coming who wants to assign 5 different numbers to one
> virtual employee SIP phone at his desk or softphone (Zoiper).
> which I can assign for the incoming or outgoing both.
> but the problem is which I might not understanding enough, that,
> e.g. when line 1 calls the virtual employee will answer “hello this is xyz
> company how can I help you”
> when line 2 calls the virtual employee will answer “hello this is abc
> company how can I help you”
> So it is important the employee can recognize which line is calling as they
> cannot say the wrong company name by mistake!
> please let me know if there is any possible ways.

Dead easy!  Done this before, in a very similar situation  (agent has to 
answer with a different name, depending on the number the customer dialled).

All you need to do -- as long as the phone you are using is modern enough to 
support it -- is have in your dialplan, before the Dial() instruction to the 
agent's phone, an instruction like
where "something" depends on ${EXTEN}.

For example, if the numbers for the virtual companies are 731615, 701289 and 
718182, and the extension to ring is 301, you might do

; 731615 is company ABC
exten => 731615,1,NoOp(Call to 731615)
exten => 731615,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=Company ABC)
exten => 731615,n,Dial(301)
exten => 731615,n,HangUp()

; 701289 is company XYZ
exten => 701289,1,NoOp(Call to 701289)
exten => 701289,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=Company XYZ)
exten => 701289,n,Dial(301)
exten => 701289,n,HangUp()

; 718182 is company PQR
exten => 718182,1,NoOp(Call to 718182)
exten => 718182,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=Company PQR)
exten => 718182,n,Dial(301)
exten => 718182,n,HangUp()

For the agent to be able to dial out presenting different caller ID numbers, 
use prefixes such as 16, 17, 18 to indicate dialling out as different companies; 
strip out the prefix using ${EXTEN:2} to recover the number by skipping two 
digits from the beginning, and Set(CALLERID(num)=) as appropriate.


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list, change address to asterisk1list at earthshod dot co dot uk .

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