[asterisk-users] Realtime SIP peers do not register any more after upgrade to Asterisk 13

Jonas Kellens jonas.kellens at telenet.be
Wed Aug 17 03:54:11 CDT 2016

On 15-08-16 23:00, Carlos Chavez wrote:
>     I highly recommend that you use alembic to set up your database as 
> this will make sure you are always using the correct database schema.  
> You should be able to find the "official" structure in the 
> contrib/realtime/mysql directory of the Asterisk source.


in contrib/realtime/mysql I see a table 'sippeers' with a column 
"transport ENUM('udp','tcp','tls','ws','wss','udp,tcp','tcp,udp') " but 
I see no columns dtlsenable, dtlsverify, dtlscertfile, dtlscafile, 
dtlssetup ?

So if we can define a sip peer with transport 'ws' or 'wss', then why 
are there no columns for the 'dtls'-part (which is kinda mandatory) ?

Kind regards.

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