[asterisk-users] Preserve CDR unique across multiple servers

Remi Quezada remiq at monmouth.com
Fri Jun 26 13:23:23 CDT 2015

I had that same issue but I use SIP not IAX.  What I ended up doing was 
adding a SIP CALL ID field in custom_cdr module and setting it in the 


On 06/26/2015 07:04 AM, Rui Mota wrote:
> Hi.
> I am using two servers in my configuration: one for phones 
> registration and another one as gateway, where all the providers are 
> connected. Both are connected through an IAX trunk.
> I am having some trouble on matching both CDR’s, since durations for a 
> call are not always the same in both servers, start/end date time are 
> sometimes also different, etc.
> Is there any way to send the uniqueid of the original call, maybe 
> through the IAX trunk, and get it on the gateway server to save it in 
> the final CDR’s userfield?  That way they would match by that field.
> Thank you in advance.
> -- 
> Rui Mota

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