[asterisk-users] Asterisk does not listed to port 5060

Amit Patkar amit at avhan.com
Thu Feb 26 23:49:17 CST 2015

You can use following command to check

netstat -an

This will show host and ports in numeric format.*

Amit Patkar

On 2/27/2015 6:33 AM, Rusty Newton wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 5:51 AM, Raj Roy Ghandhi <roy.gandhi at gmail.com 
> <mailto:roy.gandhi at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Friends,
>     I encountered a strange issue.
>     I am running Asterisk 11.8.1 on Cent OS with no firewall running.
>     It has 3 NIC interfaces.
>     in my sip.conf I have
>     allowguest=yes
>     bindaddr=
>     udpbindaddr =
>     But my Asterisk instance does not pick the call at all.
>     When I check the listening apps using lsof -i I get
>     asterisk   3046  asterisk    7u  IPv4 1191172  0t0  TCP *:5038
>     (LISTEN)
>     asterisk   3046  asterisk   10u  IPv4 1191186  0t0  UDP *:sip
>     asterisk   3046  asterisk   11u  IPv4 1191187  0t0  TCP *:sip (LISTEN)
>     asterisk   3046  asterisk   13u  IPv4 1191196  0t0  UDP *:iax
>     asterisk   3046  asterisk   15u  IPv4 1191199  0t0  UDP
>     *:commplex-main
>     asterisk   3046  asterisk   16u  IPv4 1191201  0t0  UDP *:4520
>     asterisk   3046  asterisk   19u  IPv4 1191232  0t0  TCP
>     localhost:5038->localhost:43353 (ESTABLISHED)
>     But I van see the SIP Invite that comes into server and I can
>     ngrep it as
> I believe UDP ports don't provide the state in lsof.
> Asterisk is listening here:
> asterisk 3046  asterisk   10u  IPv4 1191186      0t0  UDP *:sip
> My system shows similar output for lsof and it works fine.
> Have you tried using the Asterisk CLI with "sip set debug on" to see 
> if Asterisk shows any SIP packets?
> You might consider collecting a debug log with "sip set debug on" 
> output 
> :https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Collecting+Debug+Information
> Once you have that, provide a pastebin link to the output and someone 
> may be able to help you out.
> -- 
> Rusty Newton
> Digium, Inc. |Community Support Manager
> 445 Jan Davis Drive NW  -Huntsville, AL 35806  -US
> direct:  +1 256 428 6200  
> Check us out at:http://digium.com  &http://asterisk.org

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