[asterisk-users] ast_writefile: No such format 'h261', yet h261 is the only video format that works.

David Woodfall dave at dawoodfall.net
Fri Mar 21 12:36:48 CDT 2014

On (21/03/14 13:28), Adrian Serafini <wealwildwon at wombit.com> put forth the proposition:
>>If h261 is checked in ekiga's video format list I have video, and
>>[Mar 21 16:25:32] WARNING[31818][C-00000010]: file.c:1241
>>ast_writefile: No such format 'h261'
>Ekiga can do SIP.  Maybe try that?  And set/prioritize the codec in 
>ekiga to desired codec, not h261.

I am using SIP. I've tried all sorts of ordering/checking/unchecking.
The problem seems to be related to not having h323 installed.


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