[asterisk-users] Sippeers realtime with minimum table

Barry Flanagan barryf-lists at flanagan.ie
Wed Jul 2 08:18:58 CDT 2014

On 30 June 2014 19:46, Rafael dos Santos Saraiva <rafaelsnsa at gmail.com>

> Hi there
> It's possible configure realtime mysql in Asterisk with a non standard
> sippeers table?
> I need using a sippeers table from other system (non Asterisk). This table
> has a minimal configuration.
It would be an easy matter to use a View to create the asterisk sippeers
table incorporating data from your existing table and static defaults where
appropriate. I have done this on quite a few occasions and it works fine.
You would probably want to use a separate sipreg table for Asterisk to
store the SIP registration details.

Hope this helps.

-Barry Flanagan
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