[asterisk-users] 401 Unathorized

David Wessell david at ringfree.biz
Mon Aug 11 10:57:06 CDT 2014

I have an asterisk 1.8.x box that intermittently returns a 401. Calls come
through the same peer all the time, from the same carrier. However
intermittently the asterisk box returns a 401.

Below is the output of a failed call (1st) and a successful call (2nd). I
can't see any difference until we get to these lines.

Bad call:

--- (17 headers 14 lines) ---
Sending to carrierIP:5060 (no NAT)
Using INVITE request as basis request - 41597440-0-320116780 at carrierIP
Found peer 'phonenumber' for 'phonenumber' from carrierIP:5060

<--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to carrierIP:5060 --->
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized

Good call

--- (17 headers 14 lines) ---
Sending to carrierIP:5060 (no NAT)
Using INVITE request as basis request - 41604639-0-321360830 at carrierIP
Found peer 'carrierIP' for 'phonenumber' from carrierIP:5060
<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to carrierIP:5060 --->
Call proceeds here.


It's all coming from the same carrier IP and the same SIP trunk. All are
set via static IP (No registrations). And nat is set to no (Everything is
on a public IP).

Has anyone else run across anything similar?


[image: Ringfree Communications, Inc] <http://ringfree.biz/>

David Wessell / President
828-575-0030 x101/ david at ringfree.biz

Ringfree Communications, Inc Office: 828-575-0030 / Fax: 888-243-7830
PO BOX 1994 Hendersonville, NC 28793

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