[asterisk-users] PRI Called Party Number Info

Puzankin Grigoriy gpuzankin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 01:34:29 CDT 2013

14.03.2013 17:53, Gianluca Merlo wrote:
> Hello Grigoriy,
> i think that you can access the information you need by using the
> dialplan function CALLERID(num-plan). It should contain the lower 7
> bits of the Q.931 type-of-number/numbering-plan-identification octet.
> Best regards
> Gianluca

Nope. CALLERID(num-plan) shows numbering plan of caller's number, not 
the called one. In example, where A calls B, CALLERID(num-plan) shows 
numbering plan of A number. In my case I need to know numbering plan of 
B number.

CALLERID(dnid-num-plan) is not set anywhere for PRI calls.

Looks like CALLEDTON is the right answer, however it needs mangling 
(${MATH(${CALLEDTON}>>4&0x7,i)}) to get right values.

Best regards,

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