[asterisk-users] Google voice with no voice

Joshua Colp jcolp at digium.com
Tue Jan 22 13:54:30 CST 2013

Frank wrote:
> OK, so here is the new..
> By mistake, when I picked up the D70 , I pushed the 2 button.
> I suddenly heard google voice saying "Okay, I'll send the caller to
> voicemail". So I called again.. picked up.. I could not hear anything on
> the D70.. But if I push 1 (which is the google voice option to pickup
> the screened call), then the audio path works in both way.
> So the real issue is that when google voice talks when I pick up to let
> me know who's calling, I can't hear anything, until I press a digit.
> If I press 1, I get the call connected.
> If I press 2, I can hear google voice.
> The question is why can't I hear google voice right away without pushing
> a digit ?

This is a Google Voice "thing". Even the Google talk client itself sends 
a digit of "1" when you answer the call. That being said you can do this 
from inside of Asterisk dialplan with a combination of Answer, Wait, and 

Joshua Colp
Digium, Inc. | Senior Software Developer
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
Check us out at:  www.digium.com  & www.asterisk.org

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