[asterisk-users] accept email and make phone call?

Joseph Acquisto joea at j4computers.com
Fri Sep 21 05:06:02 CDT 2012

>>> On 9/21/2012 at 4:00 AM, Jeremy Kister <asterisk-02 at jeremykister.com> wrote:
> On 9/20/2012 1:31 PM, Joseph Acquisto wrote:
>> Any ideas on how asterisk could accept an email (such as an email to SMS or 
> "number at mybox.org" sort of thing) and make a phone
>> call to a specific number and make an announcement?
> that's actually what my jkSMS package does.
> i don't know if it'd be useful out of the box, depending on what you're 
> trying to do.
> http://jeremy.kister.net/code/asterisk/jkSMS 
> Jeremy Kister
> http://jeremy.kister.net./ 

I will take a look at it and certainly look at all the other suggestions
as well.

Thanks to all for your response.

joe a.

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