[asterisk-users] Parameterize asterisk config files

Mitch Claborn mitch_ml at claborn.net
Tue Oct 2 17:39:16 CDT 2012

Asterisk 1.8 on Ubuntu

We store the configuration files in CVS.  We have a development, QA and 
production environments. 90% of the config files are the same across all 
3 environments, but there are some differences in sip.conf and 
extensions.conf (environment specific voip providers and/or 
analog/digital lines).  I'd like to be able to use the same config files 
in CVS and have the differences resolved at run time, based on host name 
of the asterisk server.

Any ideas how to do this?

I looked at STS, but it appears to be Mac only.

One idea would be to use something like

#include sip-$$$hostname$$$.conf

and then use sed or similar in the startup script to replace 
$$$hostname$$$ with the actual host name.  Then each host/environment 
would have it's own include file as needed.

Another idea would be to write a simple perl or other program to 
pre-process the files and put some markers in the files themselves.
; onlyif host=abc
; /onlyif
The pre-processor would delete lines between the tags that didn't match 
the currently running host.



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