[asterisk-users] asterisk go to "holiday" extension but hoiday is not defined

Joseph syscon780 at gmail.com
Tue May 1 11:55:42 CDT 2012

It should be comma, not pipe.  Pipe was used in asterisk 1.4 

  exten =>  4,n,GotoIfTime(*,*,1,jul?holiday,s,1)  ; canada day

now it is working :-)


On 05/01/12 17:26, Syco wrote:
>they say "daynames and monthnames are not case-sensitive."
>the pipe should be used to concatenate several values,
>it could get the "|jul" as "everything|jul" since an empty value before
>the pipe doesn't have sense?
>On 01/05/2012 17:23, Doug Lytle wrote:
>>>> exten =>  4,n,GotoIfTime(*,*,1,|jul?holiday,s,1)  ; canada day
>> I don't use gotoiftime for holiday matching, but the COMMA PIPE stands out on your example.
>> Doug

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