[asterisk-users] Asterisk NOT in the media path

Jonas Kellens jonas.kellens at telenet.be
Fri Jan 20 08:49:00 CST 2012

On 01/20/2012 03:42 PM, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> On 01/20/2012 08:07 AM, Jonas Kellens wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to place an Asterisk-server A in front of 2 other
>> Asterisk-servers (B1 & B2).
>> This first Asterisk-server A needs to send incoming calls to one of the
>> 2 available Asterisk-servers (B1 or B2) behind it.
>> So I want the first Asterisk-server A to accept the call, and based upon
>> some checks in the dialplan send the call through to one of the other
>> Asterisk-servers (B1 or B2) which further handle the call.
>> The first Asterisk-server A then needs to pull itself from the
>> media-path. There's no further need for this Asterisk to stay within the
>> audio-path.
>> 1. Is this possible ?
>> 2. Using Asterisk, do I just use canreinvite=yes in the peer
>> definition of Asterisk B1 and Asterisk B2 ?
>> So I have :
>> Provider >>> Asterisk A1 >>> Asterisk B1 & Asterisk B2
>> I want the audio to go directly from Provider to server B1 when the call
>> has been set up.
> As long as there are no NATs involved, yes, this should work. You will 
> also need 'canreinvite' ('directmedia' in Asterisk 1.8 and later) in 
> the peer definition for the provider.

There is no NAT in the path : Provider >>> Asterisk A >>> Asterisk B1

All public IP-adresses.

All these peer definitions will have canreinvite=no (Asterisk

OK then ! Great !


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