[asterisk-users] Where are the fax instructions?

José Pablo Méndez Soto auxcri at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 01:03:05 CST 2012


Trying to set up res_fax_spandsp. Based on
https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/T.38+Fax+Gateway I wrote this in
my extensions.conf:

exten => 306,1,NoOp(Fax transmission)
    same => n,Set(FAXOPT(gateway)=yes)
    same => n,Dial(DAHDI/3)            ----->FXS port to fax machine
    same => n,Hangup()

Call flow Im trying to pull out is as follows:

Zoiper  -->  Asterisk with TDM410 --> FXS --> Analog fax machine

I am totally lost about the use of this new gateway module in the dialplan.
I think it loads ok:

CLI> fax show capabilities

Registered FAX Technology Modules:

Type            : Spandsp
Description     : Spandsp FAX Driver
Capabilities    : SEND RECEIVE T.38 G.711

1 registered modules

Also I have the FFA manual, which I couldn't understand. I think FAXOPT is
common to both, but still not sure how to put them together. Where can I
find documentation about configuring the call flow described?

Or some insight will also be appreciated.

Here is my sip peer config:

[105](headquarters) ;zoiper phone
mailbox=105 at default
t38pt_udptl = yes

;FXS Modules
group = 2
signalling = fxo_ks
context = interno
channel = 3-4
faxdetect = both

Finally, a verbose output:

  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [606 at intern:1] NoOp("SIP/105-00000002", "Fax
Transmission") in new stack
    -- Executing [606 at intern:2] Set("SIP/105-00000002",
"FAXOPT(gateway)=yes") in new stack
[Jan  5 00:59:57] WARNING[1831]: res_fax.c:2783 acf_faxopt_write: channel
'SIP/605-00000002' set FAXOPT(gateway) to 'yes' is unhandled!
    -- Executing [606 at intern:3] Dial("SIP/605-00000002", "DAHDI/3") in new
    -- Called DAHDI/3
    -- DAHDI/3-1 is ringing
    -- DAHDI/3-1 is ringing
    -- DAHDI/3-1 is ringing
    -- DAHDI/3-1 answered SIP/605-00000002
    -- Hanging up on 'DAHDI/3-1'
    -- Hungup 'DAHDI/3-1'
  == Spawn extension (intern, 606, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/105-00000002'

Thanks in advance for any help

 *José Pablo Méndez
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