[asterisk-users] Speech recognition in asterisk using google voice API

Lefteris Zafiris zaf.000 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 08:18:12 CST 2012

On 01/04/2012 04:07 PM, Julian Lyndon-Smith wrote:
> this looks great - is there any chance of coverting the googletts.agi
> to use flac as well ?
> Julian

In googletts.agi we get the voice data from google in mp3 and we convert
it in a format that asterisk can read and playback (slin). If we store it
in flac asterisk wont be able to read it natively and we would have to
convert it each time we want to play it back to the user.

In the speech recognition script we have to convert the voice data in
flac before sending it to google because that's the accepted format.

Is there some particular reason you want the googletts.agi data in flac?

Lefteris Zafiris

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