[asterisk-users] Asterisk CLI unresponsive

Jonas Kellens jonas.kellens at telenet.be
Fri Feb 3 04:09:17 CST 2012

Hello list,

using asterisk

What is wrong with Asterisk when the CLI becomes unresponsive ?!

I can login to the CLI with /usr/sbin/asterisk -r but whatever I type, 
nothing happens.

The only thing I can do is exit the CLI and do a /sbin/service asterisk 
restart. Yes, the command "exit' still works on the CLI, but "reload" or 
"core restart now" does nothing.

There are no spikes on the RAM memory and CPU is at 15%. Everything else 
on the server seems normal.

Current calls at the moment of "freeze" is 36.

I need to restart the Asterisk process, because registrations become 

What is wrong with Asterisk when the CLI becomes unresponsive ?!

Kind regards,
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