[asterisk-users] using analog phones

A J Stiles asterisk_list at earthshod.co.uk
Mon Aug 20 04:19:22 CDT 2012

On Monday 20 August 2012, Noam Birnbaum wrote:
> Hi folks,
> A client wants to keep their old Inter-Tel KTS analog phones for budget
> reasons. Two questions:
> 1. How could they use these with FreePBX?

Via so-called Analogue Terminal Adaptors (ATAs).  These are basically a SIP 
phone with an FXS interface instead of a handset and keypad.

Alternatively, up to four analogue phones could be connected through something 
like a TDM400P fitted with four FXS modules.

Note that ATAs are not cheap!  Replacing the analogue phones with SIP phones 
might actually work out less expensive.

> 2. Would they be losing any features that they currently have with their
> analog PBX?

This is very unlikely.  Check the feature set to be sure.

Asterisk is basically a telephony construction kit; so the chances are, any 
feature they seem to be missing can be added, either in the dialplan or with 
an AGI script.


Answers come *after* questions.

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