[asterisk-users] Asterisk Security: Allow only one phone per sip registration

Terry Wilson twilson at digium.com
Fri Oct 14 03:42:28 CDT 2011

> Thanks. Let me see how best i can complicate them per phone. Ooops,
> 1000
> sip phones

If it were me, I would look into Asterisk Realtime for handling the SIP phones. I would then write a script to generate the configs for the phones into the SIP realtime database with random passwords. Match up the phones with the accounts and provision the phones. You would most likely use a provisioning server of some kind to generate the actual phone configurations. You can check out the res_phoneprov module in Asterisk, find another one somewhere, or write your own. Many people tend to write their own for large installations. I did.

If you have a big installation like this and are wondering about things like whether mac addresses should be used for security, it might also be a good idea to hire a consultant. Check out the asterisk-biz mailing list.


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