[asterisk-users] Digium FFA + Gafachi T38 outgoing issues

Nasir Iqbal nasir at ictinnovations.com
Thu Oct 6 23:27:12 CDT 2011

Check firewall and NAT settings!

Monitoring sip and media flow from asterisk cli can help, use "sip set debug
on", "rtp set debug on" and "udptl set debug on"

Nasir Iqbal

ICT Innovations

On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:37 AM, James Sharp <james at fivecats.org> wrote:

> Hi, folks.
> I'm having a heck of a time trying to get outgoing T38 faxing (I don't need
> inbound right now) working with FFA and Gafachi.  G711 faxing works (as well
> as can be expected over the internet), but I want the higher reliability of
> T38.
> I'm running Asterisk 10-beta1.
> When I drop my callfile in to make the call, I get this:
>    -- Attempting call on SIP/18884732963 at gafachi1a for application
> SendFAX(/srv/httpd/htdocs/**upload/scantest2.tiff,dz) (Retry 1)
>  == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5
>  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
>       > Channel SIP/gafachi1a-0000000a was answered.
>       > Launching SendFAX(/srv/httpd/htdocs/**upload/scantest2.tiff,dz) on
> SIP/gafachi1a-0000000a
>    -- Channel 'SIP/gafachi1a-0000000a' sending FAX:
>    --    /srv/httpd/htdocs/upload/**scantest2.tiff
>    -- Channel 'SIP/gafachi1a-0000000a' FAX session '6' started
>    -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.000594 ], STAT_EVT_STRT_TX       st: IDLE
>    -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.001139 ], STAT_EVT_TX_HW_RDY     st: WT_TX_HW_RDY
>    -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.001724 ], P30EVN_SEND_STARTED
> [Oct  6 04:21:36] ERROR[11616]: res_fax.c:1421 generic_fax_exec: channel
> 'SIP/gafachi1a-0000000a' FAX session '6' failure, reason: 'fax session
> timed-out' (TIMEOUT)
> [Oct  6 04:21:36] NOTICE[11616]: pbx_spool.c:373 attempt_thread: Call
> completed to SIP/18884732963 at gafachi1a
>    -- FAX handle 0: [ 040.000211 ], STAT_EVT_T1_EXP        st: WT_DIS
> rt: WDISNT1X
>    -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.499953 ], STAT_EVT_HW_CLOSE      st: WT_HW_CLS
>    -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.500083 ], STAT_SES_COMPLETE
>    -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.500110 ], P30EVN_COMPLETE
>    -- Channel 'SIP/gafachi1a-0000000a' FAX session '6' is complete, result:
> 'FAILED' (FAX_NO_FAX), error: 'T1_TIMEOUT', pages: 0, resolution: 'unknown',
> transfer rate: '2400', remoteSID: ''
> A tcpdump trace shows the initial invite, ringing, answering, some G711
> frames back and forth, the send-T38-invite-after-10-**seconds reinvite (as
> specified by the Z option), then the far end sends a bunch of T38 traffic
> until Asterisk times out and drops the call.
> What also confuses me is this (and this may just be semantics or a true
> bug):
> asterisk*CLI> fax show stats
> FAX Statistics:
> ---------------
> Current Sessions     : 0
> Reserved Sessions    : 0
> Transmit Attempts    : 8
> Receive Attempts     : 0
> Completed FAXes      : 7
> Failed FAXes         : 7
> How can I have 8 attempted transmits, 7 completed faxes, and 7 failed
> faxes? I know 1 transmit didn't go through because I tried to place one call
> while another was in progess and I only have one licensed channel.
> Thanks,
> James Sharp
> james at fivecats.org
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