[asterisk-users] hwo to stok variable wiith menu

salaheddine elharit salah.elharit200 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 09:32:48 CST 2011

hello list,

i have created one menu like below all work without issue, what i want to
do is ,

when the customer press  3 in menu context  exten => 3,1,Goto(support,s,1)
i want to stok this variable (3) in database or file instead to go to
support context

thanks for your help and support

best regards

exten => 529,1,Ringing()
exten => 529,2,Wait(4)
exten => 529,3,Goto(accueil,s,1)

[accueil] ; définition d’un contexte pour l’accueil
exten => s,1,SetGlobalVar(sounds_path=/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/)
exten => s,2,Background(${sounds_path}welcome)
exten => s,3,goto(accueil,s,1)
exten => #,1,Goto(menu,s,1)
exten => i,1,Playback(${sounds_path}erreur-saisie)
exten => i,2,goto(accueil,s,1)
exten => t,1,Goto(accueil,s,1)
exten => s,1,Background(${sounds_path}menu)
exten => 0,1,Goto(menu,s,1)
exten => 1,1,Goto(appel,s,1)
exten => 2,1,Goto(message,s,1)
exten => 3,1,Goto(support,s,1)
exten => s,2,goto(menu,s,1)
exten => i,1,Playback(${sounds_path}erreur-saisie)
exten => i,2,Goto(menu,s,1)
exten => t,1,Goto(menu,s,1)

[appel] ; définition d’un contexte pour le menu d’appel
exten => s,1,Background(${sounds_path}appel)
exten => s,2,WaitExten(10)
exten => 0,1,Goto(menu,s,1)
exten => 223,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tr)
exten => i,1,Playback(${sounds_path}erreur-saisie)
exten => i,2,Goto(appel,s,1)
exten => t,1,Goto(appel,s,1)
[message] ; définition d’un contexte pour la messagerie
exten => s,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => t,1,Hangup()

[support] ; définition d’un contexte pour le support
exten => s,1,GoToIfTime(09:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*?s,4)
exten => s,2,Playback(${sounds_path}no-relation-support)
exten => s,3,Goto(menu,s,1)
exten => s,4,Playback(${sounds_path}relation-support)
exten => s,5,Queue(default)
exten => t,1,Hangup()
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