[asterisk-users] libpri : Q.931 Called Party Number interpreted as empty

giovanni.v iax at keybits.org
Wed Nov 2 11:29:27 CDT 2011

Il 02/11/2011 15.06, Philippe Sultan ha scritto:
> PRI Span: 1 < [70 13 a1 00 34 34 39 39 30 30 32 30 33 36 31 35 38 39 34
> 32 35]

Yes, like you guessed the third bit (wich is part of the called number 
i.e.) is a NUL... but Q.931 allows any IA5 (ISO 646) character so it's a 
bug in libpri not in your telco side.

70|01110000 I-Element: Called party number
13|00010011   Length = 19
a1|0-------   Extension Bit = with extension
   |-001----   Type of number: international number
   |----0001   Numbering Plan: ISDN/telephony
00|0-------   Spare
   |-0000000   Number digits: NUL
34|0-------   Spare
   |-0110100   Number digits: 4
34|0-------   Spare
   |-0110100   Number digits: 4
39|0-------   Spare
   |-0111001   Number digits: 9
39|0-------   Spare
   |-0111001   Number digits: 9
30|0-------   Spare
   |-0110000   Number digits: 0

> a hack to solve that issue.

Why not an 's' in your incoming context to workaround the issue?

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