[asterisk-users] [Fwd: FW: realtime mysql - p4]

Hans Witvliet hwit at a-domani.nl
Thu May 19 17:13:54 CDT 2011

Ok, i tried the suggestion:
Instead of:
sippuser => resource, database_name, table_name
sippeer  => resource, database_name, table_name
I put in:
sippuser => resource, context, table_name
sippeer  => resource, context, table_name

Unfortunately, with the same results.
btw i tried both "general" as "default"

Besids the commands i tried below, isn't there any other way to see what's going on?

Perhaps it is totally unrelated, but if i perform a mysql-login on the prompt,
i first have to select the database manualy, ie it isn't selected by default for the created mysqluser
[in this case: voipadmin]

Other wild idea, is there a minimum number of fields that haved to be filled?

And why is asterisk complaining about not being able to find the databse, when trying to fill it from the asterisk-CLI?
My database _is_ named "asterisk"......
> kc3054*CLI>  realtime update sipusers set SET port = 4343 WHERE name =
> 00000277611 Failed to update. Check the debug log for possible SQL
> related entries.
> Command 'realtime update sipusers set SET port = 4343 WHERE name =
> 00000277611' failed.
> [May 18 18:47:16] WARNING[16718]: res_config_mysql.c:559 update_mysql:
> MySQL RealTime: Invalid database specified: 'asterisk' (check

I mean, is that silly or what?

> # grep mysql extconfig.conf |grep sip
> ;sipusers => mysql,asterisk,sip_devices
> ;sippeers => mysql,asterisk,sip_devices
> ;sipusers => mysql,general,sip_devices
> ;sippeers => mysql,general,sip_devices
> sipusers => mysql,default,sip_devices
> sippeers => mysql,default,sip_devices
> kc3054*CLI> module show like mysql
> Module                         Description                              Use Count 
> cdr_mysql.so                   MySQL CDR Backend                        0         
> res_config_mysql.so            MySQL RealTime Configuration Driver      0         
> app_mysql.so                   Simple Mysql Interface                   0         
> 3 modules loaded
> kc3054*CLI>
> kc3054*CLI> sip show users
> Username                   Secret           Accountcode      Def.Context      ACL  ForcerPort
> j.witvliet                 geheim                            default          No   Yes       
> 00000277611                25b06d3a0b5ef73                   default          No   Yes       
> kc3054*CLI>
> kc3054*CLI> sip show peers
> Name/username              Host                                    Dyn Forcerport ACL Port     Status     Realtime
> 00000277611                (Unspecified)                            D   N      0        Unmonitored 
> j.witvliet                 (Unspecified)                            D   N      0        Unmonitored 
> 2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 2 offline] kc3054*CLI> kc3054*CLI> 
> kc3054*CLI>
> kc3054*CLI> realtime mysql cache
> kc3054*CLI> realtime mysql status
> general connected to asterisk at, port 3306 with username voipadmin for 18 seconds.
> kc3054*CLI> 

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