[asterisk-users] [1.4] Reading phone number the French way?

Gilles codecomplete at free.fr
Thu Mar 10 07:37:45 CST 2011

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 15:30:51 +0200, Tzafrir Cohen
<tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com> wrote:
>I think you're missing SayDigits().
>say.conf does use the syntax of the extensions.conf, but it's not a

Thanks for the input, but SayDigit() isn't right for what I want to
do, since it simply reads a phone number digit-by-digit, which is not
the way phone numbers are read in France.

SayNumber() doesn't work either in this particular case, but is OK for
countries where phone numbers are read digit-by-digit.

I figured out how extensions.conf and say.conf work and posted my
results in the reply to Dave.

Thank you.

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