[asterisk-users] sysmon on Centos Asterisk system using 100 perc CPU..How to kill it?????

Shaun Wingrin voipsw at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 15:48:51 CDT 2011

 15906 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 100.9  0.0  11:22.21 sysmon15913 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 100.9  0.0  11:21.95 sysmon15905 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:24.76 sysmon15908 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:20.76 sysmon15909 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:21.44 sysmon15910 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:23.99 sysmon15916 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:13.95 sysmon

Any ideas how to kill this?is found in /usr/bin

Tx Shaun


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-----Original Message-----
From: "Shaun Wingrin" <shaunw at a1telecoms.co.za>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 22:44:40 
To: Shaun Wingrin<voipsw at gmail.com>
Subject: sysmon on Centos Asterisk system using 100 perc CPU..How to kill it?????

asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
15906 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 100.9  0.0  11:22.21 sysmon
15913 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 100.9  0.0  11:21.95 sysmon
15905 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:24.76 sysmon
15908 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:20.76 sysmon
15909 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:21.44 sysmon
15910 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:23.99 sysmon
15916 root      39  19 94988  832  520 R 98.9  0.0  11:13.95 sysmon

Any ideas how to kill this?
is found in /usr/bin 
Tx Shaun

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