[asterisk-users] DAHDI - skipping sound on voicemail

Mike list at net-wall.com
Mon Jun 6 11:36:10 CDT 2011



I'm seeing some voicemails with skipping sound.  Specifically, when somebody
is giving their phone number sometimes you can hear that a digit is missing,
but it was clearly said.it sounds like somebody just removed sloppily the
digit using a wav editor.


It might happen on live calls, but because voicemails are recorded as wav
files I actually have some of those in archive.


Where should I be looking first? All those voicemail calls I have archived
are DAHDI-inbound. And I do hear some small clicking noise on live calls, so
it might be related. echotraining  seems an old Zapata thing, but I can`t
find this setting anywhere on my server anyhow.












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