[asterisk-users] func_odbc not returning whole smalldatetime MS Sql field.

Jim DeVito asterisk-users-mailing-list at devito.cc
Wed Dec 28 18:01:10 CST 2011

Hey All,

Odd thing. I am just trying to return the whole date time stamp from a 
SMALLDATETIME field in a MS SQL server.

func_odbc.conf =  readsql=SELECT DateCreated FROM [REDACTED] WHERE Code 
= '${ARG1}'

Problem is I only get the first 15 back from the field. Like so...

Connected to Asterisk currently running on [REDACTED]-dev (pid = 
Verbosity is at least 3
[REDACTED]-dev*CLI> odbc read ODBC_[REDACTED]-LOOKUP 104809 exec
DateCreated           2011-12-19 13:2
Returned 1 row.  Query executed on handle 0 [asterisk-mssql-connector]

Notice how it only returns "2011-12-19 13:2" and not the rest of the 
time... I have run the query on the SQL server and then from isql and it 
works everytime leaving the only abstraction point Asterisk.

Any thoughts?


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