[asterisk-users] Help! Logs filling up with errors!

Brent Davidson brent at texascountrytitle.com
Wed Dec 7 14:31:56 CST 2011

I am running Asterisk with dahdi, Oslec from kernel 
sources.  Hardware is 2 X100P Wildcards.  Everything seems to be working 
OK but my logs are filling up with this message:

Dec  7 14:25:06 servername kernel: FXO PCI Master abort

The messages just pour in constantly until the hard drive is full.  It's 
eaten 50+ gigs 4 times already today.

OS is Centos 6.0, with custom kernel is  The 
motherboard is an Asus M4A78LT-M LE running a dual-core AMD CPU and 
4gigs of ram.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?


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