[asterisk-users] How to Set Callerid Of Originate a call?

Zhang Shukun bitzsk at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 01:23:40 CDT 2010

Dear all,

as you know, we can use Originate Command to auto-dial a out-bound
call to a extention or app since 1.6.2.

but when i Originate a call, and hangup. the cdr of this call has no
CDR(clid) and CDR(src).

Could you tell me how to set the Callerid to cdr from an Originate
call? I use Originate directly in the dialplan

not AMI, so i can't set the callerid property like AMI use OriginateAction.

my dialplan is :

exten => 123,1,NoCDR()
exten => 123,n(me),MeetMe(123,AMX,123)
exten => 0,1,Read(DEST,dial,,i)
exten => 0,n,ResetCDR()
exten => 0,n,Originate(SIP/${DEST},exten,test,s,1)
exten => 0,n,Goto(123,me)

exten => s,1,MeetMe(123,M,123)

Thanks & Regards

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