[asterisk-users] Problems with Asterisk and two Linksys SPA941

Olivier CALVANO o.calvano at gmail.com
Sun May 16 00:22:43 CDT 2010


I have a big problems on my Asterisk systems :

I have one Asterisk Server with static IP (no nat) and
6 Linksys SPA941.

All SPA are after a router with NAT:

     * SPA-1 and SPA-2 are on the same network,
        we have a pat 5060 => SPA-1 and 5061=> SPA-2 on the internet router

     * SPA-3,
        we have a pat 5062 => SPA-3

     * SPA-4,
        we have a pat 5063 => SPA-4

     * SPA-5,
        we have a pat 5064 => SPA-5

     * SPA-6,
        we have a pat 5065 => SPA-6

On the Asterisk Sip conf, we have nat=yes and dynamic host.

The problems are SPA-1 and SPA-2 can call to all other SPA except SPA-3
with SPA-3, i speak, it's good, spa-3 have the sound, but spa-3 speak
i don't have the sound.

SPA-3 can speak with SPA-4,5 and 6 without problems

a idea of the problems ?


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