[asterisk-users] Using SetVar with System() is it possible?

Leif Madsen leif.madsen at asteriskdocs.org
Thu Jun 24 09:23:27 CDT 2010

Steve Edwards wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Jun 2010, bruce bruce wrote:
>> Is it possible to harvest the output of system into a SetVar(variable)?
>> exten => s,n,SetVar(var=system(asterisk -rx "sip show channels" | grep 
>> -c "(ulaw)")
>> ??? any problem with the syntax?
> ) Your parentheses don't match.
> ) You didn't read the documentation that says system() returns FAILURE or 
> ) You didn't notice that setvar() is deprecated.
> ) You didn't read the documentation that says set[var]() sets a name to a 
> value -- no mention of evaluating an application.

And you can't return the output of a dialplan application within another 
application -- that's what functions are for.

With 1.6.0 and later, you have the SHELL() function which allows you to do what 
you're trying to do:

exten => s,n,Set(RESULT=${SHELL(...)})

As mentioned by Steve, it would be trivial to find out what was wrong with your 
syntax if you had tested it in your development environment.


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