[asterisk-users] [SOLVED] Problems with Dahdi trying to load OSLEC

Jose P. Espinal jpe at slackware-es.com
Wed Jul 21 11:35:48 CDT 2010

After reading some docs about compiling external kernel modules:

- [Kernel source dir]/Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt

I saw some things that guided me to solve the issue:

Note: "...the kernel must have been built with modules enabled."

1. Check if the 'echo' module does not has a 'Kbuild' file inside
[Linux source]/drivers/staging/echo

2. Create a Kbuild according to
[Linux source]/Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txt

before copying it to Dahdi source dir.

In my case:

echo 'obj-m += echo.o' > [Kernel source dir]/drivers/staging/echo/Kbuild


(after copying the directory contents to Dahdi source dir)

echo 'obj-m += echo.o' > [Dahdi source dir]/drivers/staging/echo/Kbuild

3. Then you can run 'make' normally, and you will see the 
'dahdi_echocan_oslec.o' and 'echo.o' modules being compiled.

Thanks to Tzafrir, and Marco Signorini for their valuable sugestions.

Jose P. Espinal wrote:
> Hi Signorini,
> I looked for the 'echo.ko' file and is not present but
> the file 'dahdi_echocan_oslec' is.
> At compile time, I see this:
> ...
> WARNING: "oslec_create" 
> [/root/dahdi_linux-SlackBuild/dahdi-linux-] 
> undefined!
> WARNING: "oslec_free" 
> [/root/dahdi_linux-SlackBuild/dahdi-linux-] 
> undefined!
> WARNING: "oslec_update" 
> [/root/dahdi_linux-SlackBuild/dahdi-linux-] 
> undefined!
> ...
> I got sure to follow the instructions of the 'README' file of 
> dahdi-linux, but still get this error.
> Tzafrir Cohen mentioned something about not having the 'echo' or 'oslec' 
> module. In this case it seems that the problem is that the 'echo' module 
> is not present either in the Kernel (built in) or as a loadable module.
> What I did not see in the README file was a reference about how to make 
> dahdi compile the 'echo' module.
> I think it might be necessary to compile it separately. I'll google it 
> around to see what I can find.
> Marco Signorini wrote:
>> Hello Jose.
>> I've found the same problem on some servers and I solved it renaming (or
>> deleting) the echo.ko driver already present in the binary kernel
>> distribution:
>> In my system is something like:
>> /lib/modules/
>> Hope this helps you.
>> Best regards,
>> Marco Signorini.

Jose P. Espinal
IRC: Khratos @ #asterisk / -doc / -bugs

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