[asterisk-users] Can't compile DAHDI - wrong kernel source

Miguel Molina mmolina at millenium.com.co
Thu Jul 15 16:29:10 CDT 2010

El 15/07/10 15:15, Thermal Wetland escribió:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:34 PM, Tzafrir Cohen
> <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>  wrote:
>> The DAHDI Makefile looks for the kernel source by default in:
>>   /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
>> This is normally a symlink that points to the directory with the
>> (possibly partial) kernel source tree.
>> It seems that the kernel package you have installed did not set up this
>> symlink. You can create it yourself.
>> Alternatively, set set KSRC explicitly to the (full path to) the kernel
>> tree:
>>   make KSRC=/usr/src/<whatever>
>> --
>>                Tzafrir Cohen
>> icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
>> +972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
>> http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir
> Creating the link was the answer!  Even when I installed the RPM the
> link in /lib/modules was not created.
> After make all, make install, and make config DAHDI will not start.
> in the /drivers/dahdi folder I only have dahdi_dummy.c
> All the other files have .ko .mod.c .o etc
> Is this related?
> [root at ip-97-74-119-59 dahdi-linux-complete-]# dahdi_cfg -vvvvv
> DAHDI Tools Version - 2.3.0
> Notice: Configuration file is /etc/dahdi/system.conf
> line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'
> 1 error(s) detected
> The only warning I see is "WARNING: could not find
> /usr/src/asterisk/dahdi-linux-complete-
> for /usr/src/asterisk/dahdi-linux-complete-"
> Does that ring a bell with any one?
I experienced the same issue, and googling about this, on some openvz 
documentation they are clear: for security you can't enable kernel 
modules in an openVZ VPS (you can't even do a lsmod, it shows nothing), 
the only way I could use DAHDI timing in my case for asterisk inside a 
VPS, was to install DAHDI in the HN (Hardware Node) and share it using 
this config settings:

vzctl set 101 --devnodes 'dahdi/pseudo:rw dahdi/channel:rw dahdi/timer:rw dahdi/ctl:rw' --save

Where 101 is your CTID (container ID).

Look at http://forum.openvz.org/index.php?t=msg&goto=37706&

That way I made it! Now I have a single DAHDI instance in the HN shared 
into two VPS, and dahdi_cfg and dahdi_test works great:

[root at virtual1_ast1 ~]# dahdi_test
Opened pseudo dahdi interface, measuring accuracy...
99.951% 99.641% 99.572% 99.604% 99.671% 99.972% 99.979% 99.991%
--- Results after 8 passes ---
Best: 99.991 -- Worst: 99.572 -- Average: 99.797645, Difference: 99.998742

The DAHDI timing is used without issue by asterisk:

virtual1_ast1*CLI> module show like timing
Module                         Description                              
Use Count
res_timing_dahdi.so            DAHDI Timing Interface                   484
res_timing_pthread.so          pthread Timing Interface                 0

virtual1_ast1*CLI> timing test
Attempting to test a timer with 50 ticks per second.
Using the 'DAHDI' timing module for this test.
It has been 1016 milliseconds, and we got 51 timer ticks

My goal was to provide DAHDI timing to asterisk inside a VPS. I don't 
know if having a TDM card in the HN configured with DAHDI it can be 
shared so a VPS can access it and then you could receive PRI calls or 
something directly into a VPS, or better, split channel groups between VPS.


Ing. Miguel Molina
Grupo de Tecnología
Millenium Phone Center

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