[asterisk-users] Call sip:user at domain.com?

Gilles codecomplete at free.fr
Tue Dec 21 13:22:20 UTC 2010

On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 12:39:44 -0600, "Kevin P. Fleming"
<kpfleming at digium.com> wrote:
>You've missed a very important point here: you are using a *SIP* 
>endpoint to call a *SIP* URI. The endpoint can do that directly, and 
>doesn't need any help from Asterisk to do it. If you wanted to be able 
>to restrict/control such calls, you'd need to use a SIP proxy... but 
>Asterisk is not a proxy. Asterisk is a Back-to-Back User Agent, which 
>means whatever URI the endpoint sends to Asterisk terminates there, and 
>Asterisk constructs an outbound URI of some form, connecting the two 
>channels together.

Thanks much Kevin. I found this article helpful to have a better
understanding of what a B2BUA is compared to an SIP proxy:


One advantage I see in using Asterisk even when the two end-points are
SIP, is that I end up with a single application to handle calls
between end-points (SIP, VOSP, and FXO) and provide additional
features like voice-mail, etc.

But I could use a good article/book to better understand my options,
how Asterisk is different from the alternatives (Freeswitch, openSIPS,

Thank you.

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