[asterisk-users] Issue with (pattern) matching extension

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Thu Apr 29 15:03:55 CDT 2010

On 4/29/10 1:55 PM, Tilghman Lesher wrote:
> On Thursday 29 April 2010 13:11:17 Philip A. Prindeville wrote:
>> Doesn't quite make it 'deterministic' if you have to test it to see what
>> it's going to do.
> The code is deterministic.  The human who wrote the example is not.  Are
> you proposing a genetic modification to make humans deterministic?

If we're going to examine gene therapy, let's start with suppressing the 
polemic gene, shall we?

Rather than your committing a point fix to stdexten which was reported 
as a side-effect, you might also have looked over my proposed fix which 
covered both, reviewed that, and committed that instead.

Oh, well.

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