[asterisk-users] shared lines (sla) with Asterisk 1.4.26, any hints?

Giorgio Incantalupo gincantalupo at fgasoftware.com
Thu Apr 15 06:18:47 CDT 2010


I'm trying to setup shared lines with Asterisk 1.4.26 and Snom phones.

It seems that Asterisk works correctly (I get "State: 
SLA_TRUNK_STATE_RINGING" from the CLI) but the lamps on the phone are 
not blinking even if I setup one function key on my phones as shared 
line with number: <sip:line1 at> where line1 is my DAHDI/32

Any hints appreciated. :)

Thank you.


(In attachment an attempt to make SIP/8 and SIP/81(2 snoms) monitor and 
use DAHDI/32 channel)
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