[asterisk-users] play audio file within an active call

Vieri rentorbuy at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 29 03:35:04 CDT 2009


I'm wondering if someone can share their thoughts on how to implement a system that periodically checks active channels which have been up for more than X minutes and plays/injects a sound file. The idea is to simply warn users that they've been on the phone for quite a while and maybe they should consider hanging up. If the call stays up for more than Y minutes, it is dropped automatically (softhangup).

What's the simplest approach to playing a sound file within an active channel?

I thought of writing a cron agi script that scans active channels, retrieves their duration and if it's > X minutes then "RedirectChannel" to a context which executes a Playback(file); if it's > Y minutes then "RedirectChannel" to a context which executes both a Playback("forcing hang up now...") and HangUp.

Any thoughts?


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