[asterisk-users] sporadic one-way audio

Steve Davies davies147 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 06:43:16 CDT 2009

2009/10/16 Ishfaq Malik <ish at pack-net.co.uk>:
> Brent Davidson wrote:
>> We have several offices running Asterisk version, and OSLEC
>> with Rhino R4FXO-EC and one running a Digium TDM800P card for interface
>> to analog lines.  All offices are running Snom 300 phones.  Phones all
>> have static addresses and are on the same physical network as the server.
>> The problem we are having is that every so often we get someone calling
>> in where we can hear their voice, but they can't hear us.  If we
>> immediately call them back everything is fine.  The problem affects all
>> offices and also happens when making sip to sip calls from one snom 300
>> to another.
>> In addition we periodically have calls that drop off in the middle of a
>> conversation like the connection was lost.  I haven't been able to
>> replicate any of these problems and the people that are having them
>> can't seem to keep track of when they occur so I can go back and look in
>> the logs.
>> I suspect that both problems may be related though.  Possibly a
>> registration issue?  Any ideas are welcome.
> Hi
> For the sporadic one way audio, check that the codec list in the snom
> phones is the same as set by the server. The codec list is in the RTP
> tab of the identities.
> Hope that helps
> Ish

Also check that your DNS servers are working and can resolve
everything. I saw an issue similar to what you describe when a snom300
could not resolve its NTP server address.

I cannot explain it, but sorting out DNS sorted out the communication issue.


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