[asterisk-users] 2 IPs for an Asterisk server.

Guillaume Yziquel guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch
Thu Oct 15 14:58:47 CDT 2009


I've been setting up an Asterisk server, and I am now supposed to move 
it to a different network than the one it was set on.

I'd like to give the server 2 IP address:

-1- The first IP address is the IP it will have on the LAN, meaning that 
softphones will register to the Asterisk server using this 1st IP.

-2- The second IP is the one that it will use to connect to the remote 
VoIP provider, which is using another network range than the LAN where I 
have my softphones. The default gateway would be the one of this second 
network address range.

No NAT involved anywhere in this setup.

Is it possible to do such a thing with Asterisk? Does it need really 
special tweaking of Asterisk conf files?

      Guillaume Yziquel

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