[asterisk-users] dahdi channel not showing up

Chris Datfung chris.datfung at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 04:22:25 CST 2009


I have a X101P card and am running Asterisk SVN-trunk-r226890. The
X101P card seems to be identified properly:

debian:/usr/src/dahdi-tools# dahdi_hardware
pci:0000:01:01.0     wcfxo+       e159:0001 Wildcard X101P

debian:/usr/src/dahdi-tools# dahdi_cfg -vv
DAHDI Tools Version - SVN-trunk-r7409

DAHDI Version: SVN-trunk-r7445
Echo Canceller(s): MG2

Channel map:

Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 01)

1 channels to configure.

Setting echocan for channel 1 to mg2

*CLI> dahdi show status
Description                              Alarms  IRQ    bpviol CRC4
Fra Codi Options  LBO
Wildcard X101P Board 1                   OK      0      0      0
CAS Unk  YEL      0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)

but when I run dahdi show channels I can only see the psuedo channel:

*CLI> dahdi show channels
   Chan Extension  Context         Language   MOH Interpret
Blocked    State
 pseudo            default                    default
       In Service

What am I missing?

 - Chris

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