[asterisk-users] Suddenly the voice became garbage (like robot) using Asterisk

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Sun May 31 19:57:31 CDT 2009

Hi All;

I was using since one year Asterisk and zaptel and they were working fine via SIP, IAX and Digium fxo and fxs ports.

Suddenly just before 2 or 3 days, the voice become garbage like robot when I place a call from the SIP Phone (which is in a country and the Asterisk box in another country). I am surprise what is the reason that let rtp become like this ! The sound now like robot (human machine:)--

What could be? Actually before about 10 days, we added one Polycom SIP Phone and added qualify=yes for the SIP entities, also I fixed the externip to be the public IP address of the machine, and I fixed the localnet (I was not using externip and localnet, because I was not need them for NAT issues, but I used it when I start have NATed Polycom devices). But even, the voice was fine after these changes, so I do not think it has any relation.

Could it be related the Asterisk and how it manipulated the rtp packets, so maybe a small changes in the Internet provider effected and let things becoming bad??!!

I used gsm and g729 codecs, and both are bad. g729 give little bit better quality than gsm (and both are bad now .. garbage). The voice becoming bad even if we do a call using IAX Trunk or from SIP Phone (Polycom).

Any advise what can I do?



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