[asterisk-users] Silence suppression problem with DECT phones and g729 codec

Santiago Gimeno santiago.gimeno at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 04:51:04 CDT 2009


I have been experiencing audio problems when accessing the Voicemail
application using DECT phones and the g729 codec. The issue is that whereas
the vm-password is always played correctly by the DECT phone, the rest of
audio files, randomly, are played or not by the DECT phone. Everything works
correctly if another codec (alaw,ulaw) is used.

I have noticed that asterisk doesn't send RTP with silence, but stop sending
them and I think the problems is that the DECT phones are having problems
with that. To check that this was the problem I have implemented a simple

exten => *91,1,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)
exten => *91,n,Answer()
exten => *91,n,Wait(4)
exten => *91,n,Playback(vm-tmpexists)
exten => *91,n,Wait(4)
exten => *91,n,Playback(vm-tomakecall)
exten => *91,n,Wait(4)
exten => *91,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => *91,n,Hangup

...and I have verified that if there is a pause between the playbacks the
problem occurs, otherwise the audio is played correctly by the DECT phones

I know it looks like a problem with the phones but, is there a way to
configure asterisk so it sends RTP during silent periods?

Thanks. Best regards,

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