[asterisk-users] log to cdr each dialpan action, not only one record for each call

nik600 nik600 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 14:02:57 CDT 2009

Hi to all.

What can i do if a customer needs to log in the CDR all the dialpan
actions related to a call?
I mean, not only the lastapp e the lastdata but all the dialpan actions!

I know that the actual CDR system store one record for each call (and
for billing purposes this can be correct) but in some cases the
approach needed is something similar to the queue_log.

I know that exists ResetCDR and ForkCDR but they don't do what i need,
expecially because they fill-in lastdata and lastapp with "ResetCDR"

So, what can i do?

Is it better to do some customization to generate a CDR event on each
dialplan step or is better to parse the logfile and extract the
information needed?

I'm using Asterisk



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