[asterisk-users] Asterisk and several clients behind NAT

Stefan Schmidt sst at sil.at
Tue Jul 14 05:56:43 CDT 2009

jonas kellens schrieb:
> Is it possible to have several clients behind NAT to register to an
> Asterisk-server with a public IP-address ?
> When Asterisk receives an incoming call, how will it know @ which
> private IP-address the client is reachable ?
> I guess it is impossible for Asterisk to directly contact the private
> client behind the NAT ?! Or to distinguish between the private
> clients ?!
> Is there an easy solution to this ? How does hosted IP-PBX services work
> then ?!
> Jonas.


this is how NAT works, it doesnt work only with the IP it uses also the
So one phone will register with port 10000 the next with 10001 and so
on, and asterisk knows this port from the registration and will send the
communication to this port.

But you have to keep the NAT Port open at least from the asterisk side
with qualify=yes and also if possible from the client side, so your
router keeps the port open.

best regards


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