[asterisk-users] Call file in the future

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Sat Jan 17 22:29:16 CST 2009

On Saturday 17 January 2009 13:49:16 Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Jan 2009, randulo wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 7:52 PM, didier.cuffaut <didier.cuffaut at neuf.fr> 
> >> May i have some comment/opinion on these two ways below to place a call
> >> file in the future ? (from the wiki and the asterisk book but added
> >> typos and stupidity come from me)
> >>
> >> The best is ?  (and should work ?)
> >
> > This is just me, but if I were going to program calls in the future I
> > would just name them with the time (2009-01-17-20-08.call for four
> > minutes from now, for example) and put them in a directory. The I'd
> > have a cron job running that looked once per minute in that dir and
> > did the mv if found file with that name.
> >
> > Does that make sense?
> Not to me.
> Cron jobs can be delayed, servers can be rebooted and you're suggesting a
> solution for a problem that already has a solution - ie. set the access
> time of the file in the future which is what didier.cuffaut is trying to
> do.

Almost.  It's actually the modified timestamp, not the access timestamp.  You
cannot usually alter the access timestamp on filesystems, as this is part of
the security audit trail.  You can use the touch(1) system utility to set the
modified timestamp to whatever you like.


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