[asterisk-users] Bug in contact header from Asterisk ?

Alex Balashov abalashov at evaristesys.com
Thu Jan 1 22:33:21 CST 2009


1) How are you setting the nonstandard bind port?  Just with a bindport 
on the specific peer?

2) The Record-Route header is only for proxies, so it is not relevant 
here;  a B2BUA cannot set one.

3) What happens if you have the proxy append a 'received' parameter to 
the Contact URI received from Asterisk before relaying the initial 
INVITE request?

-- Alex

Egbert wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm not sure wether it is a bug or not, so I'm asking for your opinion
> before submitting it to the bugtracker.
> The problem:
> I use asterisk with in sip.conf a non standard bind port of 5070 set.
> Now when asterisk sends out an Invite message to my sip proxy, the
> contact header in de request is something like:
> Contact: <sip:12329123 at>
> The call succeeds and gets answered. So far so good. By using the 'Via'
> headers the 200 OK repsonse gets properly routed to asterisk.
> But now the client wants to end the call, and sends 'BYE
> sip:12329123 at'. Now the proxy can't route the messages by
> means of the Via header (because this is a new transaction? and Asterisk
> didn't insert a record-route header).
> The proxy forwards the 'Bye' to the default sip port on
> '', with no success.
> The other way round, when the client initiates the call, asterisk
> answers with a '200 OK'. This response includes a correct 'Contact'
> header, consisting of both username,domain/ip ánd port.

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web    : http://www.evaristesys.com/
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