[asterisk-users] Intercom/Doorbell Integration

Gavin Lewandowski gavin at lewandowski.org.uk
Wed Feb 11 12:29:09 CST 2009


I'm trying to integrate the following into my Asterisk environment.

BPT Targa Single button audio panel 
linked to an IT200 interface unit 
(http://www.norbain.co.uk/support//manuals/ref:M412CA0D98C67B/) page 6

I have been told by the engineer that the Targa will generate a tone to 
ring an attached phone to the IT200 interface unit.

However, I do not wish to attach a phone to the IT200 and wish to 
connect it into my Asterisk box.

The problem here, is the Asterisk box is located in a data center and I 
have an MPLS link to it - so we cannot connect the IT200 to a Zap card 
or similar.

I also have a Linksys SPA3102 ATA and I was thinking if we could connect 
the IT200 to this, and get the SPA to call an extension on the Asterisk 
box to make a phone ring when someone presses the door bell.

Many thanks for any hints,


Gavin Lewandowski , Bristol , United Kingdom
T:+44 1454 300001   F:+44 1454 300002
M:+44 7939 607840   E:gavin at lewandowski.org.uk
        SIP/MSN:gavin at lewandowski.org.uk

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