[asterisk-users] Asterisk Unregisteres IAX Friend Randomly

Nic Colledge nic at njcolledge.net
Fri Dec 11 09:17:08 CST 2009


I've been having a strange problem recently where real-time asterisk will unregister a IAX friend at random times when the registration should not have expired.

I have a Zoiper soft phone client (on windows) connecting to asterisk over a LAN (no firewalls). The default reregister time of 60 seconds is used, but the asterisk server unregisters the client (sets regseconds to 0 in the database) after a seemingly random time after registration say, 15 seconds (which is 45 seconds before registration expiry)

I set iax2 debug on, and set the core debug level to 5 so I could see the IAX2 control frames on the console.
I use pgAdmin-III to watch the value of regseconds in the database change from a registered value to 0.

When the "unregister" happens, there are no frames sent to / received from the client, and nothing else on the asterisk console. It just seems like asterisk decided to unregister the client for no reason. At this point placing a call to the client will fail, until the client reregisters (at the correct time) 45 seconds later.

I have seen this happen on both 1.6.2-rc8 and a trunk asterisk from yesterday (on different machines). I'm currently installing 1.6.0 to test that as well.
This only seems to happen with real-time asterisk. (I'm using Postgres for the backend database and the pgsql driver in extconfig.conf)

Any ideas what's going on here? Is this a known issue?

Thanks in advance.

Dr. Nic Colledge
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