[asterisk-users] Different codecs for reading and writing

Christian Victor christian at victormedia.de
Mon Aug 3 08:17:07 CDT 2009

Philipp Kempgen schrieb:
> Elliot Murdock schrieb:
>> I am wondering how the Asterisk community has been working on
>> solutions to deal with the asymmetric quality of ADSL.   Voip is
>> becoming popular and a bottleneck does exists on the ADSL upload side.
> One participant's upload is the other participant's download and
> vice-versa. So how would different codecs for sending and receiving
> help?
Given that the other party does not use an asymetric internet connection 
it could actually help. Not that I would recomment such a mode over just 
using a low bandwidth codec like the aforementioned.


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