[asterisk-users] Sangoma and BT single lines

Ed W lists at wildgooses.com
Mon Apr 6 14:04:06 CDT 2009

Hi, got a Sangoma A200 with a bunch of extension cards and having real 
problems getting it to deal with a normal single BT line

Symptoms are that incoming calls are fine.  Outgoing calls ring the far 
end, BUT asterisk never sees that the call is answered (ie no message in 
the logs files saying so), as a result the remove end can hear the PBX 
side talking, but there is no audio back from the remote side to us.  
When we hangup the log files show messages thave suggest it thinks the 
line is still ringing

Comparing with another line which works fine (this is a BT multi-line 
system with what they call "PBX signalling" on it) I see that as soon as 
the remote end answers then asterisk gets a log message stating the same 
and audio is fine on this line

Have now spent nearly 4 months trying to get the signalling sorted on 
this line.  Most recently we requested "dual signalling" on the line - 
the end result is now that outbound calls work and asterisk reports that 
the phone answers, however, when you hangup the call then asterisk 
obviously gets a bunch of extra line reversals and things there is an 
immediate incoming call on the back of that outgoing call...

Please - any suggestions on how to configure a Sangoma card for use with 
a normal BT single line?


Ed W

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