[asterisk-users] Advice

David Backeberg dbackeberg at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 22:53:01 CDT 2009

On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Roland Roland <R_O_L_A_N_D at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I started with a digium card with ZAP
> though that didn’t work out as the card were flawed..
> so not to add more to my email, I'm seeking advice about the proper way to
> learn about asterisk from A to Z if possible...
> any advice would be appreciated

It's doubtful that the card is 'flawed'. More likely you didn't know
how to configure it. If it really is broken it can be repaired or
replaced under warranty. Maybe you would enjoy trying to get it

Trying to learn asterisk from a-to-z is probably not a very practical
thing to accomplish. Rather I would recommend some task that is
vaguely related to your job function and try to figure out how you
would do that in asterisk. As you add features add on stuff from
asterisk applications you haven't used before: meetme, IVR, AGI.

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